Micropython - v1.11-498 introduced a few changes in the source-code directory structure. Changes to specific files, as previously described in esp32-cam , will no longer work. A simple working summary on how to build esp32-cam firmware is described below: Make a recursive copy of ports/esp32 to ports/esp32-cam, and you will need to modify the following files: 1) ports/esp32-cam/main.c 2) ports/esp32-cam/Makefile 3) ports/esp32-cam/modcamera.c 4) ports/esp32-cam/mpconfigport.h 5) ports/esp32-cam/boards/manifest.py 6) ports/esp32-cam/boards/sdkconfig.base Or, you can just download a precompiled Micropython v1.11-498 from firmware.bin at GitHub if you want to save some work. However, I encourage you to compile the firmware yourself. You will learn a lot and you can choose to modify anything to your liking. The modcamera.c includes something new. The still photo was taken using these settings; pix =8, con =2, qua =10, and spe =2. You will understand those parameters, later...