Simplicity - Simplicity in design has its practical value. I was designing a freeform wire-frame structure for esp32-cam. I made an elaborate freeform that was not very successful.
The esdp32-cam keep dropping WiFi packets. I can not get a whole frame sent over to a web client without losing 75% of the frame. What more, the position and orientation of the esp32-cam were too critical for stable operation.
I effectively design a faraday cage for the esp32-cam. When I realize this, I need to rethink my design. I must not cage in my esp32-cam in a wire-frame. I need a simpler design. I end up with a very simple design, where the esp32-cam hang above a cube-based structure. Now, this design works better than the previous one.
An elaborate design does not mean better. There are a lot of non-visual parameters one must consider to make things work. I am learning the lesson. Less is better than more. Simple is better than complicated. This applies to almost everything in life, especially Life itself.
The esdp32-cam keep dropping WiFi packets. I can not get a whole frame sent over to a web client without losing 75% of the frame. What more, the position and orientation of the esp32-cam were too critical for stable operation.
I effectively design a faraday cage for the esp32-cam. When I realize this, I need to rethink my design. I must not cage in my esp32-cam in a wire-frame. I need a simpler design. I end up with a very simple design, where the esp32-cam hang above a cube-based structure. Now, this design works better than the previous one.
An elaborate design does not mean better. There are a lot of non-visual parameters one must consider to make things work. I am learning the lesson. Less is better than more. Simple is better than complicated. This applies to almost everything in life, especially Life itself.
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