Hi, This just to keep this blog going, more coming up soon.
Custom made - Sometimes, it is nice to be able to build custom made things. Thanks to Damien George and all the clever people at micropython.org for making it easy. So that, to custom build a micropython is not that difficult. Why do you want to build customize firmware anyway? Well, you might want to include some functionalities of your own and removed some functionalities from the standard distribution. The choices are there for you to make. I have a few changes that I want to make in micropython. version header -kaki5 (pronounce kaki-lima) an additional thread cleanup function for esp32 add frozen modules CryptoXo and uasyncio remove help, upip, and webrepl camera C module for esp32 camera board These are accomplished by modifying and adding files. py/makeversionhdr.py py/modthread.c extra/CryptoXo.py, extra/uasyncio.py, and manifest.py mpconfigport.h main.c and modcamera.c I also want to remove some modules specifically, help, upip, and webrepl from esp32...
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